Solutions to meet all your needsSupport & Remote support services
Remote support services are a new concept for small business. However, in larger business they are used often to minimise business impact & get people working again as quickly as possible.
With advances in computer technology your day to day computer system administration can be done remotely. Your staff will be able to concentrate on your business, not on your computer system.
Time loss, inconvenience, frustration, stress & lost business is caused by unchecked & under-performing computer systems.
Make the most of technical computer specialists with our Remote support & monitoring services.
They are a cost-effective & reliable way to ensure you concentrate on your business, not your computer system.
You see instant benefits, such as:
- fewer & less time consuming on-site support visits,
- less wasted time for your staff,
- better computer system performance & long term return.
The support services we offer include:
- Remote Software support & updates,
- Remote Server support,
- Workstation support assistance,
- Security tracking & updates,
- On-site Support,
- Backup integrity checks,
- Periodic test restores so you know your business data can be restored when needed,
- Cleaning & maintenance,
- Computer system de-commissioning & disposal.